Introduction Chhello Show, directed by Pan Nalin, is a touching coming-of-age film released in 2022. Set in a small village in Gujarat, it tells the...
Introduction RRR, directed by S. S. Rajamouli, is an epic action-drama released in 2022 that captivated audiences worldwide. The film tells the fictionalized story of...
Introduction The Elephant Whisperers is a captivating documentary directed by Kartiki Gonsalves, released in 2022. It tells the tender story of an indigenous couple, Bomman...
Introduction All That Breathes is a powerful documentary directed by Shaunak Sen. Released in 2022, it tells the touching story of two brothers, Nadeem and...
Introduction Writing with Fire, directed by Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Ghosh, is an inspiring documentary that follows the Khabar Lahariya news team. This all-female news...
Introduction Little Terrorist is a powerful short film directed by Ashvin Kumar. Set in Kashmir, this 20-minute film tells the touching story of Osmaan, a...
Introduction Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India is a landmark film in Indian cinema. Directed by Ashutosh Gowariker and starring Aamir Khan, this epic...
Introduction An Encounter with Faces is a 1979 Indian documentary directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. It highlights the lives of destitute children in India. The...